Our Vision reflects the current desire to elevate the Association of Saskatchewan Urban Parks and Conservation Agencies to speak as one voice. The vision inspires member organizations to work collectively towards achieving and creating outcomes that carry forth a passion for urban parks and conservation areas through building relationships and support for one another.

We envision a province in which every person has the right to recreate in a natural area within an urban setting where people and nature harmoniously coexist.


The mission statement defines the organization’s purpose and primary objective. The Mission informs the key measures of the organization’s long term objectives and the ends it works towards.

The mission of ASUPCA, as a non profit organization, is dedicated to program coordination, sharing expertise and pride in conservation, development, and education for the purpose of supporting the work of each member organization and province wide urban park systems and conservation agencies.


1) Encouraging Conservation through recreation and park stewardship

2) Engaging the Community and providing educational opportunities

3) Accountability through regular measurable feedback to partner and participating organizations

4) Partnership through collaboration and networking

5) Leadership in programming, conservation, development and education

Without funding assistance from SaskLotteries we wouldn’t be able to provide the programming and community opportunities to our member agencies and their park patrons!